Communications Failure in an Emergency: How To Be Prepared?

emergency alert system

In the face of an emergency, clear and timely communication can be the difference between life and death. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a fire, or a security breach, a disruption in communication can lead to confusion, panic, and hindered response efforts.  

Statistics paint a concerning picture: A 2021 study by the Harvard Business Review found that 73% of organizations experienced a communication breakdown during a crisis.

This is where being prepared for a communications failure becomes paramount.  This post will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate an emergency situation even when traditional communication channels falter.

Why Communication Fails During Emergencies

Clear communication is the lifeblood of a coordinated response during emergencies. But all too often, the very systems we rely on to connect with each other can crumble under pressure. Let’s delve deeper into the specific reasons why communication fails during emergencies:

Infrastructure Damage: 

Power outages caused by downed power lines or damaged transformers can cripple traditional phone lines and internet connectivity. Additionally, physical destruction of cell towers or fiber optic cables can create large communication dead zones, making it virtually impossible to reach anyone outside the immediate vicinity.

Network Overload: 

Everyone tries to call loved ones, check for updates, or contact emergency services simultaneously. This sudden spike in traffic can overwhelm network capacity, leading to dropped calls, congested cell towers, and sluggish internet speeds.  Essentially, the system buckles under the weight of everyone trying to use it at once.


Malicious actors may exploit the chaos of an emergency to launch cyberattacks against communication infrastructure. These attacks can target specific systems, like emergency call centers or internet service providers, further disrupting communication flows and hindering response efforts.  The goal of these attacks can be to sow confusion, prevent coordination, or even extract ransom payments in exchange for restoring access.

The Importance of a Multi-Layered Communication Plan

Relying solely on cell phones or the internet is a recipe for disaster.  A robust communication plan incorporates multiple channels, increasing your chances of reaching the people you need to in a crisis. Here are some key elements:

Emergency Alert Software: 

Consider investing in emergency alert software, like the solutions offered by companies like QComm. These tools bypass overloaded networks and deliver critical information directly to mobile devices, even without internet connectivity.

Landline Phones: 

While not as ubiquitous as cell phones, landlines can be a reliable backup during emergencies, especially in situations where cell towers are damaged.

Ham Radio: 

For a truly independent communication method, consider obtaining a Ham Radio license. Ham radio operators can communicate with each other over long distances without relying on infrastructure.

Face-to-Face Communication: 

Don’t underestimate the power of talking to people in person. Establish a designated meeting point for your family or community in case traditional communication channels fail.

Here are some additional methods to consider:

Shortwave Radio: 

While requiring more technical knowledge than Ham radio, shortwave radio can pick up broadcasts from around the world during emergencies.

Text-Based Messaging Apps: 

Instant messaging applications that use data can be a good option if the internet is still functioning, but may be congested during emergencies. Consider SMS/text messaging as a more reliable alternative in such situations.

Community Message Boards: 

Designate physical message boards in your neighborhood or workplace where critical updates can be posted during a communication breakdown.

Developing a Communication Plan for Your Family and Community

Create a Contact List 

Don’t rely on memory alone. Create a detailed emergency contact list that includes:


Include all immediate and extended family members with their home, work, and cell phone numbers. 


Include phone numbers and email addresses for neighbors you trust. During an emergency, neighbors can be a vital source of information and support.

Emergency Services: 

List local emergency numbers for police, fire department, ambulance, and poison control. Include non-emergency numbers as well, in case overloaded networks make reaching emergency services difficult.

Assign Roles

Communication during emergencies needs a central hub. Designate a reliable and tech-savvy individual within your family or community to:

Gather and Disseminate Information: 

This person should be responsible for collecting updates from official sources like emergency broadcasts, news websites, or social media. They then disseminate this information to the rest of the group through various communication channels.

Coordinate Communication Efforts: 

During a crisis, information overload can be confusing. This designated person can help manage the flow of information, ensuring everyone receives clear and accurate updates.

Maintain Contact with Out-of-Reach Individuals: 

If someone in your family or community cannot be reached initially, the designated person can take the initiative to contact alternative contacts or travel to designated meeting points.

Practice Your Plan

Just like fire drills, practicing your communication plan is crucial. Conduct regular drills to ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.

Schedule Regular Drills: 

Conduct drills at least once a year, simulating different emergency scenarios. This could involve power outages, natural disasters, or even a mock cyberattack.

Test Different Communication Channels: 

During drills, try using various communication methods like phone calls, text messages, email, or even designated community message boards. 

Refine and Update Your Plan: 

After each drill, discuss what worked well and identify areas for improvement. Update your communication plan based on these insights.

Communication Strategies for Businesses

The stakes are even higher for businesses during emergencies.  A breakdown in communication can lead to disruptions in operations, loss of revenue, and damage to brand reputation. Here are some additional considerations for businesses:

Emergency Notification System

Implement an emergency notification system for business to reach employees quickly and efficiently. These systems can send alerts via text message, email, or voice calls, even to employees who are not at work.

Internal Communication Tools

Utilize internal communication tools like instant messaging platforms or company social media groups to keep employees informed during a crisis.

Public Communication Strategy

Develop a plan for communicating with customers and the public during emergencies. This could involve press releases, social media updates, or website announcements.

Bottom Line

By taking proactive steps and developing a comprehensive communication plan, you can significantly increase your chances of staying informed and connected during an emergency.  Remember, clear and timely communication is vital for ensuring the safety and well-being of yourself, your loved ones, and your community.
Invest in a multi-layered communication strategy, practice your plan regularly, and stay informed about the latest communication tools and technologies. With the right preparation, you can weather any communication storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

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