Call Centre Communications

Call Centre Communications

Do you remember the first time you used a new tool? It could be a phone, ERP software or even the vacuum cleaner. Do you remember cursing the people who recommended it, calling it a time saver? Do you remember the pain of not knowing how to use it and wishing there was quick help available? Now imagine you got in touch with a call center only to be told that this is a new model, so the agent may not be able to help you for say a week. He can try based on his understanding of older or other models, but nothing is guaranteed. What then? 

Now imagine, you are this call center agent’s boss. The only change in the new tool is that there is an extra button; or worse, just the color scheme has changed. One tiny change and suddenly you have disgruntled customers your most experienced agents suddenly can’t support.  

This is one of the many dilemmas’ companies running call centers face. How do you train people to do fractionally more on the job? How do you communicate the tiniest of changes when they spend all their working time talking to a customer?  How do you inform the sales team that there is a new promotion – the same products, at 10% less without interrupting the work of the entire facility?

Here is how. You choose Qcomm for Call Centre Communications.  

New Sales Promotion? No problem. It will display on their computer screen in real time, all the time. 

Call Centre Communications

Bad weather forecast? No problem. Reroute tourists to nearby locations of your hotels.  

Call Centre Communications

 Want to communicate a bunch of Important Updates? Try Qcomm newsletters. Keep reminding them to review the newsletters as they wait for the call to connect. Better still, play it on their screen through video during their breaks.  

Call Centre Communications

Want to Recognize Star Performers? Easy! Send them a shoutout as a desktop alert company wide.  

Looking to reinforce company values? Try visual screensavers they can love and remember. 

Call Centre Communications

Employee Training? Send a daily tip of the day that is easy to digest.  

Call Centre Communications

No matter the kind of communication, Qcomm gets attention, instantaneously. Leverage a multichannel platform that ensures high impact with the least effort. Get Effective with Comms, get Qcomm.    

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